
CH Osowa

ul. Spacerowa 48
80-299 Gdańsk
tel.: 58 552 53 55


W niedzielę handlową, 30 czerwca, w CH Oso­wa od­bę­dzie się piąta edy­cja Ga­ra­żo­wych Ło­wów. To oka­zja do wy­wie­trze­nia szaf i do­mu, nada­nia dru­gie­go ży­cia nie­po­trzeb­nym przedmio­tom. Wy­prze­daż przy­cią­gnie po­szu­ki­wa­czy pe­re­łek z dru­giej rę­ki, mi­ło­śni­ków sty­lu vin­ta­ge i idei ze­ro wa­ste.

To do­sko­na­ła oka­zja, by wy­ru­szyć na po­szu­ki­wa­nie nie­zwy­kłych przedmio­tów, któ­re tra­fi­ły do rąk sprze­da­ją­cych z ca­łej oko­li­cy. Od ubrań, po­przez sprzęt do­mo­wy, po książ­ki i de­ko­ra­cje – każ­dy znaj­dzie tu coś dla sie­bie.

Ta wy­jąt­ko­wa im­pre­za to nie tyl­ko moż­li­wość zna­le­zie­nia rzad­kich skar­bów, ale tak­że oka­zja do in­te­gra­cji spo­łecz­no­ści lo­kal­nej oraz wspar­cia lo­kal­nych przed­się­bior­ców. Wpro­wadź odro­bi­nę ma­gii do swo­je­go ży­cia i do­­łącz do na­­szej spo­­łe­cz­no­­­ści 30 czerwca!

Wej­ście: Bez­płat­ne dla wszyst­kich! Ru­szy­ły za­pi­sy wy­staw­ców.

Nie prze­gap oka­zji na za­kup wy­jąt­ko­wych przedmio­tów i spę­dze­nie cza­su w przy­jem­nej at­mos­fe­rze, peł­nej fan­ta­stycz­nych oka­zji!

Chęt­ni na wy­staw­ców mo­gą zgła­szać się do 28 czerwca, ma­ilo­wo na ad­res oso­wa­@sier­ra­bal­ma­


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The administrator of personal data is Stage Osowa sp.z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw (postal code 03-802), at ul. Skaryszewska 7 (hereinafter referred to as the Company). Personal data in the scope provided in the form will be processed by the Company for marketing purposes, in accordance with the consent expressed pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1 point a of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (GDPR). Personal data may be disclosed to employees or associates of the Company, as well as entities providing support to the Company on the basis of outsourced services and in accordance with the entrustment agreements concluded, as well as made available to the entities referred to in the consent clause. Personal data processed in the above-mentioned purpose will be processed until the consent for a specific purpose is revoked, in the case of its expression. Each person has the right to access their data and rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data or object to their processing, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of data processing before its withdrawal. The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, if he considers that the processing of his personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR. Providing personal information is voluntary.

By providing my e-mail address, I consent to the processing of my personal data by Stage Osowa sp.z o.o. for marketing purposes, carried out by sending commercial information regarding the operation of the Osowa shopping center by electronic means to the e-mail address provided.
By providing my phone number, I agree to the processing of my personal data provided by Stage Osowa sp.z o.o. for marketing purposes, carried out by sending commercial information on the operation of the Osowa shopping center in the form of an SMS to the final telecommunications device - a mobile phone, the number of which is given above.

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